Planning and Zoning

Planning Provides a Vision for the Community Today — and in the Future!

The goal of planning is to maximize all people living in our communities health, safety, and economic well-being. This involves thinking about how we can move around our community, how we can attract and retain thriving businesses, where we want to live, and opportunities for recreation. Planning helps create communities of lasting value.

"While architects often focus on a single building, a planner's job is to work with residents and elected officials to guide the layout of an entire community or region. Planners take a broad view and look at how the pieces of a community — buildings, roads, and parks — fit together like pieces of a puzzle. Planners then make recommendations on how the community should proceed. One of the greatest challenges for planners is to imagine what can and should happen to a community: how it should grow and change, and what it should offer residents 10, 15, or even 20 years into the future." - American Planning Association.

The city planner acts as tech­ni­cal staff advi­sor to the Blanchard Plan­ning Com­mis­sion and the Blanchard Board of Adjust­ment. The city plan­ner provides advice to these boards on deci­sions involv­ing zon­ing changes, vari­ances, sub­di­vi­sion appli­ca­tions, con­di­tional use per­mits, etc. The city planner also assists the city manager in economic development efforts.

Visit Forms and Applications to find planning-related forms, building permit forms, and more. For further questions contact the Blanchard City Planner.