The City of Blanchard invites you to visit our new Veterans Memorial Park located at 305 E Veterans Memorial Highway in downtown Blanchard. Dedicated on May 30th 2024, this memorial is only the second of its kind in existence in the country. Please make plans to visit this iconic memorial, not only during the day, but also at night, in order to experience the distinctively different and somber ambiance.
Purchase Honor Brick(s)
We still have space available for anyone to purchase an Honor Brick in this Memorial. Honor Bricks cost only $125.00 each. If you have a number of family members or individuals you wish to purchase and have installed together, they may be purchased for only $100.00 each. You must purchase three of more Honor Bricks at once to obtain this discount. Use the link directly below this section.
NOTE: You can only purchase one or two bricks online. If you wish to receive the bulk discount, you must also enter the link below. Scroll to the bottom of that page and print out the Honor Brick Order Form. You must either mail them or deliver them to City Hall, with the payment. That information is also provided there. A form is required for each veteran and only one veteran may be recognized per brick.
Each brick is limited to three lines of information, and each line can only hold 18 characters and spaces. List the name on line one. Then you can add other related military information on lines two and three. i.e. Rank, branch of service, years served, theatres served in, honors received, etc.
Be a part of this iconic memorial before all available space is gone!
NOTE: You can only purchase one or two bricks online. If you wish to receive the bulk discount, you must also enter the link below. Scroll to the bottom of that page and print out the Honor Brick Order Form. You must either mail them or deliver them to City Hall, with the payment. That information is also provided there. A form is required for each veteran and only one veteran may be recognized per brick.
Each brick is limited to three lines of information, and each line can only hold 18 characters and spaces. List the name on line one. Then you can add other related military information on lines two and three. i.e. Rank, branch of service, years served, theatres served in, honors received, etc.
Be a part of this iconic memorial before all available space is gone!